Friday, December 14, 2007

Some good tools for web development

I work remotely on most of my projects. Some I need to use ftp to transfer files and some needs to be worked on directly through ssh. The programs I use to do these tasks are putty and coreftp.

Core FTP can be used to connect to the ftp server. It has two versions, Core FTP LE and Core FTP Pro. Core FTP LE is a free software that include ftp features. Core FTP Pro on the other hand is for advanced users that comes with a very low price. Be sure to check them out. Core FTP has been very helpful to me. You can download it here.

PuTTY is a terminal emulator application that can be used for SSH, Telnet, rlogin and raw TCP. I have been using this program for SSH access. It also very easy to use and lightweight. To find out more about putty, you can visit it's homepage here or it's wikipedia entry here. You can download it here.

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